Friday, July 29, 2011

Sri Lakshmi Shobane in English

Its good to be sung shobane during Fridays and some special occasions like Marriage, Upanayanam and functions at home.

shobhAnavennire suraroLu shubhaganige
shobhAnavenni suguNanige
shobhAnavennire trivikramarAyage
shobhAnavenni surapriyage shobhAne ||pallavi|| 

lakShmInArAyaNara charaNakke sharaNeMbe
pakShivAhannageraguve anudina
rakShisali namma vadhU-varara ||1||

pAlasAgaravannu lIleyali kaDeyalu
bAle mahAlakShumi udisidaLu
bAle mahAlakShumi udisiLAdevi
pAlisali namma vadhU-varara ||2||

bommana praLayadali tannarasiyoDagUDi
summaneyAgi malagippa
namma nArAyaNagu I rammegaDigaDigu
janmaveMbudu avatAra ||3||

kaMbukaMThada sutta kaTTida maMgaLasUtra
aMbujaveraDu karayugadi
aMbujaveraDu karayugadi dharisi
pItAMbaravanuTTu meredaLe ||4||

oMdu karadiMda abhayavanIvaLe
mattoMdu kaiyiMda varagaLa
kuMdillaladAnaMdasaMdoha uNisuva
iMdire namma salahali ||5||

poLeva kAMchiya dAma uliva kiMkiNigaLu
naliva kAlaMduge ghalakenalu
naLanaLisuva muddumukhada cheluve lakShumi
salahali namma vadhU-varara ||6|| 

rannada molegaTTu chinnadAbharaNagaLa
chenne mahalakShumi dharisidaLe
chenne mahalakShumi dharisidaLAdevi
tanna maneya vadhU-varara salahali ||7||

kuMbhakuMchada mele iMbiTTa hAragaLu jaga
tuMbiguruLa mukhakamala
tuMbiguruLa mukhakamalada mahalakShumi jaga
daMbe vadhU-varara salahali ||8||

muttina oleyanniTTaLe mahalakShumi
kastUri tilaka dharisidaLe
kastUri tilaka dharisidaLA devi
sarvatra vadhU-varara salahali ||9||

aMbujanayanagaLa biMbAdharada shashi-
biMbadaMteseva mUgutimaNiya shashi-
biMbadaMtesevamUguti maNi mahalakShumi
uMbudakIyali vadhu-vararge ||10||

muttinakShateyiTTu navaratnada mukuTava
nettiya mele dharisideLe
nettiya mele dharisidaLA devi tanna
bhaktiya janara salahali ||11||

kuMda-maMdara-jAjI-kusumagaLa vR^iMdava
cheMdada turubige turubidaLe
kuMdavarNada komale mahalakShumi kR^ipe-
yiMda vadUvarara salahali ||12||

eMdeMdigu bADada araviMdada mAleya
iMdire poLeva koraLalli
iMdire poLeva koraLalli dharisidaLe ava-
LiMdu vadhUvarara salahali ||13||

devAMga paTTeya melu hoddikeya
bhAme mahalakShumi dharisidaLe
bhAme mahalakShumi dharisidaLA devi tanna
sevaka janara salahali ||14||

I lakShumi deviya kAluMgara ghalakenalu
lolAkShi mellane naDetaMdaLu
sAlAgi kuLlirda surarasabheya kaMDu
AlochisidaLu manadalli ||15||

tanna makkaLa kuMda tAne peLuvadakke
mannadi nAchi mahalakShumi
tannAmadiMdali kareyade obbobara
unnata doShagaLaneNisidaLu ||16||

kelavaru taleyUri tapagaidu puNyava
gaLisiddarenU phalavilla
jvalisuva kopadi shApava koDuvaru
laleneyanivaru olisuvare ||17||

ella shAstragaLodi durlabha j~nAnava
kallisi koDuva gurugaLu
ballida dhanakke maruLAgibbaru
sallada purohitakkoLagAdaru ||18|| 

kAmanirjitanobba kAminige sotobba
bhAminiya hiMde hAridava
kAmAMdhanAgi muniya kAminigayadanobba
kAmadi gurutalpagAmiyobba ||19||

nashvaraishvaryava bayasuvanobba para-
rAshrayisi bALuva Ishvaranobba
hAsyava mADi halludurisikoMDavanobba
adR^ishyAMghriyobba okkaNanobba ||20||

mAvana koMdoMbba maruLAgihanu
gADha hArvana koMdoMbba baLalida
jIvara koMdobba kulageDeMdenisida
shivaniMdobba bayalAda ||21||

dharmavuMTobbanali hemmeya hesarige
ammamma takka guNavilla
kShammeya biTTobba narakadalli jIvara
marmava meTTi kolisuva ||22||

khaLanaMte obba tanage sallada bhAgyava
ballidagaMji barigaida
durlabha muktige dUraveMdenisuva pA-
tALakke iLida gaDa ||23||

ellarAyuShyava shiMshumAradeva
sallIleyiMdali tolagisuva
olle nAnivara nityamuttaideyeMdu
ballavarenna bhajisuvaru ||24||

prakR^itiya guNadiMda kaTTuvaDedu nAnA-
vikR^itigoLAgi baredalli
sukhadukhaveMba bommAdi jIvaru
duHkhakke dUrenipa enageNeya ||25||

obbanAvana maga mattobbanAvana mommaga
obbanAvanige shayanAha
obbanAvana poruva mattibbarAvanigaMji
abbaradalAvAga suLivaru ||26||

obbanAvana nAmakaMji bechchuva gADha
sarvarigAva amR^itava
sarvarigAva amR^itavanuNisuva ava-
nobbane niraniShTa niravadya ||27||

niraniShTa niravadya eMba shrutyarthava
oredu noDalu naraharige
narakayAtane salla duritAtidUranige
maruLa manabaMdaMte nuDiyadiru ||28||

oMdoMdu guNagaLu iddAvu ivaralli
saMdaNisive bahu doSha
kuMdeLLaShTillada mukuMdane tanageMdu
iMdire patiya nenedaLu ||29||

devarShi viprara koMdu tannudaradoLiTTu
tIvidda harige duritava
bhAvaj~nareMbare Aladeleya mele
shivana liMgava nilisuvare ||30||

asura-pishAchigaLeMba bhayaveMba
vyasana barabAradu eMba nArAyaNanige
pashu modalAgi neneyadu ||31||

tA duHkhiyAdare surarArtiya kaLedu
modavIvudakke dharegAgi
mAdhava bAhane kesaroLu muLugida
bhAdhipa kesara biDisuvane ||32||

bommanAlayadalli iddavage layavuMTe
ammiyanuNisidda yashodeyAgiddaLe
amma ivage hasi-tR^iSheyuMTe ||33||

Aga bhakShyabhojyavittu pUjisuva
yogige uMTe dhanadhAnya
Aga dorakoMbude pAka mADuva vahni
mattAgalellihudu vichArisiro ||34||

rogavanIva vAta pitta shleShma
Aga koDuvude rameyoDane
bhogisuvavage duritava nenevare
I guNanidhige eNeyuMTe ||35||

rammeyarasage rati kANiro
ammoghavIryavu chalisidare praLayadali
kammArar yAke janisaru ||36||

ekatra nirNIta shAstrArtha paratrApi
bekeMba nyAyava tiLiduko
shrIkR^iShNanobbane sarva doShakke si-
lukaneMbudu salahalike ||37||

ella jagava nuMgi dakkisikoMDavage
salladu roga rujinavu
balla vaidyara keLi ajIrtimUlavella
salladu roga rujinavu ||38||

iMthA mUrutiya oLagoMba naraka bahu
bhrAMta nInelliMda torisuvelo
saMteya maruLa hogelo ninna mAta
saMtaru keLi sogasaru ||39||

shrI-nArAyaNara jananI-janakara
nAneMba vAdI nuDiyalo
jANariMdariya mUla rUpava tori
shrI narasiMhana avatAra ||40||

aMbudhiya udakadali oDedu mUDida kUrma-
neMba shrI hariya pitanAru?
eMba shrI hariya pitanAru adariMda svA-
yaMbhugaLella avatAra ||41||

devikiya garbhadali devanavatarisida
bhAvavannu balla vivekigaLu
vasudheyoLage kR^iShNage janmava-
Ava pariyalli nuDiyuviyo ||42||

AkaLisuvAga yashodAdevige
deva tannoLage hudugidda
bhuvanavellava toridudillive
A viShNu garbhadoLaDaguvane ||43||

Aneya mAnadalli aDagisidavaruMTe
aneka koTi ajAMDava
aNureNu kUpadali ALda shrI hariya
janani jaTharavu oLagoMbude ||44||

adariMda kR^iShNanige janmaveMbudu salla
madananivana kumAranu
kadanadi kaNegaLa ivanedegesevane
sudaterigiva niMtu silukuvane ||45|| 

adariMda kR^iShNanige paranArI saMgava ko-
vidarAda budhru nuDivare
sadarave I mATu sarva vedaMgaLu
mudadiMda tAvu stutisuvavu ||46||

eMda bhAgavatada cheMdada mAtanu
maMdada mAnava manasige
taMduko jagakke kaivalyavIva mu-
kuMdage kuMdu korate salladu ||47||

hattu varShada keLage makkaLATikeyalli
chitta strIyarige eraguvade
artiyiMdarchisida gokulada kanyeyara
satyasaMkalpa berisidda ||48||

hattu mattAru sAsira strIyaralli
hattu hattenipa kramadiMda
putrara vIryadali sR^iShTisidavaruMTe
artiya sR^iShTi harigidu ||49||

roma-romakUpa koTivR^ikShaMgaLa
nirmisi gopAlara teraLisida
namma shrIkR^iShNanu makkaLa sR^ijisuva
mahime ballavarige salahalike ||50||

maNNaneke meddeyeMba yashodege
saNNa bAyoLage jagaMgaLa
kaNNAre torida namma shrIkR^iShNana
ghanate ballavarige salahalike ||51||

nArada sanakAdimodalAda yogigaLu
nAriyarige maruLAhare
oraMte shrIkR^iShNanaDigeraguvare
ArAdhisutta bhajisuvare ||52||

aMbujasaMbhava triyaMbaka modalAda
naMbidavarige varavitta
saMbhramada suraru eLLaShTu kopakke
iMbiddarivana bhajisuvare ||53||

avanaMguShThava toLeda gaMgAdevi
pAvanaLenisi mereyaLe
jIvana seruva pApava kaLevaLu
I vAsudevage eNeyuMTe ||54||

kilbiShaviddare agra pUjeyanu
sarvarAyara sabheyoLage
ubbida manadiMda dharmaja maDuvanele
kobbadiralo paravAdi ||55||

sAvillada harige narakayAtane salla
jIvaMtarige narakadalli!
novanIvanu nimma yamadevanu
nova{govA} nI hariya guNavariya ||56||

narakavALuva yamadharmarAya
tanna narajanmadoLage poraLisi
maraLI tannarakadali poraLisi koluvanu
kuru ninna kuhaka koLadalla ||57||

bommana nUru varSha pariyaMta praLayadali
summaneyAgi malagippa
namma nArAyaNage hasi-tR^iShe -jara-maraNa-du-
Shkarma-duHkhaMgaLu toDasuvare ||58||

rakkasarastragaLiMda gAyavaDeyada
akShayakAyada shrIkR^iShNa
tuchCha yamabhaTara shastrakaLakuvanalla
huchcha nI hariya guNavariya ||59||

kichcha nuMgidanu namma shrIkR^iShNanu
tuchCha narakadoLu analanige
bechchuvanalla adariMdavage naraka
mechchuvaralla budharella ||60||

maneyalli kShameya tALda vIrabhaTa
raNaraMgadali kShamisuvane
aNuvAgi namma hitake manadoLagina kR^iShNa
muniva kAlakke mahattAha ||61|| 

tAya poTTeyiMda mUlarUpava tori
Ayudha sahita poravaMTa
nyAyakovidaru puTTidaneMbare
bAyige baMdaMte bogaLadiru ||62||

uTTa pItAMbara toTTa bhUShaNaMgaLu
iTTa navaratnada kirITavu
meTTida kuruhu edeyalli torida shrI-
viThThala puTTidanenabahude ||63||

R^iShabhhaMsamUShakavAhanaveri mA-
nisaraMte suLiva surarella
eseva deveshanara sahasakke maDidaru
kusumanAbhanige sariyuMTe ||64||

oMdoMdu guNagaLu iddAvu ivaralli
saMdeNisive bahu doSha
kuMdeLaShTillada mukuMdane tanageMdu
iMdire patiya nenedaLu ||65||

iMtu chiMtisi rame saMtarAmana padava
saMtoSha manadi nenevutta
saMtoSha manadi nenevutta tanna shrI
kAMtaniddeDege naDedaLu ||66||

kaMdarpa koTigaLa geluva sauMdaryada
cheMdavAgidda cheluvana
iMdire kaMDu ivane tanage pati-
yeMdavana baLige naDedaLu ||67||

I terada surara sutta noDutta lakShmi
chittava koDade nasunaguta
chittavakoDade nasunaguta baMdu puru-
Shottamana kaMDu namisidaLu ||68||

nAnAkusumagaLiMda mADida mAleya
shrI nAri tanna karadalli
pInakaMdharada trivikramarAyana
koraLina meliTTu namisidaLu ||69||

uTTapoMbaTTeya toTTAMbharaNaMgaLu
iTTa navaratnada mukuTavu
duShTamardananeMba kaDeya paMDegaLu
vaTTidda harige vadhuvAdaLu ||70||

koMbu cheMgahaLegaLu tALamaddaLegaLu
taMbaTe bheri paTahagaLu
bhoM bhoM eMba shaMkha DoLLu maurigaLu
aMbudhiya maneyallesedavu ||71||

arghyapAdyAchamana modalAda ShoDashA-
narghya pUjeyittanaLiyage
oggida manadiMda dhAreyeredane siMdhu
sadgatiyittu salaheMda ||72||

vedokta maMtra peLi vasiShTha nArada moda-
lAda munIMdraru mudadiMda
vadhUvarara mele shobhanadakShateyanu
modavIvutta taLedaru ||73||

saMbhramadiMdaMbaradi duMdubhi moLagalu
tuMburu nAradaru tutisutta
tuMburu nAradaru tutisutta pI-
tAMbaradharana mahimeya ||74||

devanAriyarella baMdodagi pAThakaru
ovi pADutta kuNidaru
devataruvina hUvina maLegaLa
shrIvarana mele karedaru ||75||

muttu-ratnagaLiMda kettisida haseya nava-
ratna maMTapadi pasarisi
ratnamaMTapadi pasarisi kR^iShNana
muttaideyarella karedaru ||76||

sheShashayanane bA doShadUrane bA
bhAsurakAya hariye bA
bhAsurakAya hariye bA shrIkR^iShNa vi-
lAsadiMdemma hasege bA ||77||

kaMjalochanane bA maMjuLamUrti bA
kuMjaravaradAyakane bA
kuMjaravaradAyakane bA shrIkR^iShNa ni-
raMjana namma hasege bA ||78||

AdikAladali Aladeleya mele
shrIdeviyaroDane pavaDisida
shrIdeviyaroDane pavaDisida shrIkR^iShNa
modadiMdemma hasege bA ||79||

AdikAraNanAgi Aga malagiddu
moda jIvara tanna udaradali
moda jIvara tannudaradali iMbitta a-
nAdi mUrutiye hasege bA ||80||

chinmayavenipa nimma manegaLalli jyo-
tirmayavAda padmadalli
rammeyaroDagUDi ramisuva shrIkR^iShNa
namma maneya hasege bA ||81||

nAnAvatAradali naMbida surarige
AnaMdavIva karuNi bA
AnaMdavIva karuNi bA shrIkR^iShNa
shrInAriyoDane hasegeLu ||82||

bommana maneyalli rannapIThadi kuLitu
ommanadi nehava mADuva
nirmala pUjeya kaigoMba shrIkR^iShNa pa-
ramma mUrutiye hasege bA ||83||

mukhyaprANana maneyalli bhAratiyAgali-
kke baDisida rasAyanava
sakkaregUDida pAyasa saviyuva
rakkasavairiye hasege bA ||84||

rudrana maneyalli rudrANideviyaru
bhadramaMTapadi kuLLirisi
svAdvannagaLanu baDisalu kaigoMDa
muddu narasiMha hasege bA ||85||

garuDana meleri gaganamArgadalli
tarataradi stutipa surastrIyara
mereva gaMdharvara gAnava saviyuva
narahari namma hasege bA ||86||

nimmaNNana maneya sudharma sabheyalli
ummeyarasa namisida
dharmarakShakanenipa kR^iShNa kR^ipeyiMda pa-
ramma mUrutiye hasege bA ||87||

iMdrana maneghogi aditige kuMDalavittu
aMdada pUjeya kaigoMDu
aMdada pUjeya kaigoMDu surataruva
iMdiregitta hariye bA ||88||

nimma neneva munihR^idayadali nelesida
sammatavAgidda pUjeya kaigoMDa ni-
ssIma mahima hasege bA ||89||

muttina sattigeya navaratnada chAmara
suttanaliva surastrIyara
nR^ityava noDuta chitra vAdyaMgaLa saM-
pattina hariye hasege bA ||90||

enalu naguta baMdu haseya mele
vanite lakShmiyoDagUDi
anaMta vebhavadi kuLita kR^iShNana nAlku
dinadutsavava naDesidaru ||91||

atterenipa gaMge yamune sarasvati bhA-
rati modalAda surastrIyaru
muttinAkShateyanu shobhAnavenutali tamma
artiyaLeyage taLidaru ||92||

ratnadAratige sutta muttane tuMbi
muttaideyarella dhavaLada
muttederella dhavaLada pavanava pA-
Duttalettidare sirivarage ||93|| 

bomma tannarasi koDe baMdaregida
ummeyarasa namisida
ammararellaru bagebage uDugoregaLa
rammeyarasage salisidaru ||94||

satyalokada bomma kaustubharatnavanitta
muktAsuraru mudadiMda
muttina kaMThIsarava mukhyaprANanitta
mastakada maNiya shivanitta ||95||

tannarasi koDe savinuDi nuDivAga
vadanadalliddagni keDadaMte
vahni pratiShTheya mADi avanoLagidda
tannAhuti dibbaNa surarige ||96||

kobbida khaLaroDisi amR^itAnna UTakke
ubbida haruShadi uNisalu
ubbida huruShadi uNisabekeMdu siMdhu
sarvarigaDigeya mADisida ||97||

mAvana maneyalli devarigautaNava
dAnavaru keDisade biDareMdu
dAnavaru keDisade biDareMdu shrIkR^iShNa
devastrIveShava dharisida ||98||

tanna sauMdaryadiMdunnatamayavAda
lAvaNyadiMda mereva nijapatiya
heNNu rUpava kaMDukannye mahalakShumi iva-
ganyarekeMdu beragAdaLu ||99||

lAvaNyamayavAda hariya strIveShakke
bhAvakiyarella maruLAge
mAvara sudheya kramadiMda baDisi tanna
sevaka surariguNisida ||100||

nAgana mele tA malagiddAga
Agale jagava jatanadi
Agale jagava jatanadi dhariseMdu
nAgabaliya naDesida ||101||

kShudheya kaLeva navaratnada mAleya
mudadiMda vAridhi vidhigitta
chadura hArava vAyudevarigitta
vidhuvina kaleya shivagitta ||102||

shakra modalAda dikpAlakarige
sokkida chaudaMta gajaMgaLa
ukkida manadiMda koTTa varuNa madu-
makkaLAyuShyava beLeseMda ||103||

matte deveMdrage pArijAtavanitta
chittava seLevapsarastrIyara
hattusAvira koTTa varuNadeva hari-
bhaktiya manadalli beLeseMda ||104||

poLeva navaratnada rAshiya tegetegedu
uLida amararige sallisida
uLida amararige sallisida samudra
kaLuhidanavara manegaLige ||105||

unnata navaratnamayavAda aramaneya
chenne magaLiMda virachisi
tanna aLiyanige sthiramADi koTTava
innoMdu kaDeyaDi iDadaMte ||106||

hayavadana tanna priyaLAda lakShumige
jayavitta kShIrAMbudhiyalli
jayavitta kShIrAMbudhiyalli shrIkR^iShNa
dayadi nammellara salahali ||107||

I padava mADida vAdirAja munige
shrIpatiyAda hayavadana
tApava kaLedu tanna shrIcharaNava sa-
mIpadalliTTu salahali ||108||

iMtu svapnadalli koMDADisikoMDa lakShmI-
kAMtana kaMdanenisuva
saMtara mechchina vAdirAjeMdramuni
paMthadi peLida padavidu ||109||

shrIyarasa hayavadanapriya vAdirAja-
rAya rachisida padavidu
AyuShya bhaviShya dinadinake hechchAguvadu ni-
rAyAsadiMda sukhiparu ||110||

bommana dinadalli ommomme I maduve
krammadi mADi vinodisuva
namma nArAyaNagU I rammegaDigaDigu
asura mohanave naranaTane ||111||

maduveyamaneyalli I padava pADidare
vadhugaLige oleya bhAgya dinadinake hechchuvadu
madananayyana kR^ipeyiMda ||112||

shobhAnavennire suraroLu shubhaganige
shobhAnavenni suguNanige
shobhAnavennire trivikramarAyage
shobhAnavenni surapriyage ||shobhAne

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Garuda Panchami

Garuda Panchami Pooja is observed on the fifth day of the Shukla Paksha in Shravana masaand is dedicated to Garuda, the vehicle or Vahana of Lord Vishnu. Garuda Panchami Vrata is observed by women for the welfare and good health of their children. The day is also observed as Naga Chaturthi with clean and sacred.

How to observe Garuda Panchami?

This vratha/pooja usually performed for Garudar. The pooja should be performed by little clean, Sacred, Madi etc., This day is similar as yesterday ie.,Naga  Chaturthi. On this day all members of the family must do nagar pooja.

Things Required :
·        Get nagar in silver
·        Rice for thembittu
·        Jaggery
·        (Ellu)seasame seeds
·        Coconut water
·        Kejavasthra
·        Milk
·        Kadala
·        (Kal uppu)Salt
·        Pepper(melagu

·        Have oil bath)
·        Clean the house and decorate the entrance with kolam
·        Put nagaraja in rangoli at pooja room, entrance of the house and near thulasi brindavana as Nagaraja going out of your house like given below
·        Prepare Thembittu
·        Today bisi thembittu
·        Prepare ellu bella, bissi ellu
·        Prepare kejavastra for all nagar u have drawn and today u should add only turmeric to kejavastra no kumkum.

1. Mangala Snaanam
2. Thulasi Pooja
3. Hosthilu Pooje -(Draw a rangoli, apply turmeric and vermilion to the Hostilu)
4. Garuda Panchami Pooja 
5. Naivedya
6. Aarathi
7. Thamboola

             Garuda Panchami Pooja

·        Get a manai(palagai) draw nagar as above in it and place a silver plate on it.
·        Keep silver nagar u have in it
·        Do a cup and spoon with thembittu u prepared before and place it before nagar.
·        Do abhishek  for nagar and cup with water 3 times, milk (without boiled) 3 times, and again water 3 times
·        With  elaneer 3 times
·        Take Ellu bella and abhishek it
·        Take  thembittu and abishek it
·        Offer salt and peeper
·        Do pooja with kumkum,turmeric and Flowers.
·        Put kaja vastra for nagar.
·        Like the above follow the procedure for all nagar u have drawn at vassal, near thulasi madam .
·        Draw nagar in wall with Turmeric and do pooja
·         Prasadam and Fruits are been offered to Nagaraja
·        Do Aarthi  with  sodalu
·        Finally, with kalpoora
                        Gave Thamboola Dhakshina to some brahmana

All might be thinking why Naaga (Evil snakes) Idol should be kept for Garuda Panchami? The main reason is, while Garudan went to get the Amirtham, the main reason why her mother was slaved was all because of the snakes. So, Indiran gave Garudan a varam that Evil snakes, which are responsible for her mother's slavevess, will be Garundan's slave from then. And, while performing this pooja, if any Naaga Dosham is found for any of the family member, it is believed that the Dosham will get vanished.

Legend has it that the day remembers Lord Garuda’s love and devotion for his mother  vinathai. Thus the day celebrates mother – son relationship. Sumangali who follow this great pooja will give birth to a brave, bold, well – talented child like Garudan. Simultaneously, if you get a chance, visit Thiru Naraiyoor Divyadesam (Nachiyar Kovil) and get the blessing of Kal (stone) Garudan and have his complete blessings.
Also Vehicle Travelers Get Protection By This Worship

Naga Chaturthi

Naga Chaturthi is  celebrated mostly in Andhra Pradesh,Tamilnadu,Karnataka  - Southern part of India. Aug 3th 2011 is observed as Naga Chaturthi.

Naga Chaturthi comes on the fourth day after Adi Ammavasai in the month of Adi. This festival is generally observed by women , praying for the well being and long life of their children.The women have a oil bath. and the entrance of the house cleaned and decorated with kolam.
On this day, women folk visit temples where the idols of Serpents are installed, they also visit ant-hills, snake-pits to offer milk - kept in bowls near the snake-pits.
It is believed that if a serpent drink the offered milk, then devotees' wishes will come true very soon. Some worshippers draw snake structures on a wooden plank/card board or on the wall and perform pooja with flowers, offer milk, bananas, a special offering called ellurundai (Sesame mixed with Jaggery), Arisi urundai or Thambitu  (rice flour dough mixed with sugar or jaggery).

How to observe Naga Chaturthi?

This vratha/pooja usually performed for Nagaraja. The pooja should be performed by little clean, Sacred, Madi etc., Usually this day is fasting can have only white rawa upma and kesari. Some people avoid salt on the day that means food is consumed without salt. Deep fried things are avoided on the day. Don’t have milk as it on that day(for all people except baby below 1 year). Can have coffee, tea, boost and so.

Things Required :
·        Get nagar in silver
·        Rice for thembittu
·        Jaggery
·        (Ellu)seasame seeds
·        Coconut water
·        Kejavasthra
·        Milk
·        Kadala
·        (Kal uppu)Salt
·        Pepper(melagu

·        Have head bath(no oil bath)
·        Clean the house and decorate the entrance with kolam
·        Put nagaraja in rangoli at pooja room, entrance of the house and near thulasi brindavana as Nagaraja coming to ur house like given below
·        Prepare Thembittu
·        Thembittu is made by soaking rice for an hour or so. Draining all the water and powdering this. After the rice is powdered, add jaggery and blend together or grate the jaggery and mix this well with the rice flour. [if the rice flour is wet or hot, adding jaggery will make it watery, so better grate it and mix].
·        Prepare ellu bella by soaking ellu for some time. Drain water and grind it well and add jaggery.
·        Prepare kejavastra for all nagar u have drawn and today u should add only turmeric to kejavastra no kumkum.

1. Mangala Snaanam
2. Thulasi Pooja
3. Hosthilu Pooje -(Draw a rangoli, apply turmeric and vermilion to the Hostilu)
4. Nagara chauti Pooja 
5. Naivedya
6. Aarathi
7. Thamboola

           Naga Chauti Pooja

·        Get a manai(palagai) draw nagar as above in it and place a silver plate on it.
·        Keep silver nagar u have in it
·        Do a cup and spoon with thembittu u prepared before and place it before nagar.
·        Do abhishek  for nagar and cup with water 3 times, milk (without boiled) 3 times, and again water 3 times
·        With  elaneer 3 times
·        Take Ellu bella and abhishek it
·        Take  thembittu and abishek it
·        Offer salt and peeper
·        Do pooja with kumkum,turmeric and Flowers.
·        Put kaja vastra for nagar.
·        Like the above follow the procedure for all nagar u have drawn at vassal, near thulasi madam .
·        Draw nagar in wall with Turmeric and do pooja
·         Prasadam and Fruits are been offered to Nagaraja
·        Do Aarthi  with  sodalu
·        Finally, with kalpoora
                        Gave Thamboola Dhakshina to some brahmana

Thus Naga Chaturthi/Nagula Chavithi festival is celebrated by women for goodhealth of their Children. Some people observe Naga Chaturthi Viratham in the month of karthigai if they miss in the Adi masam.
On the day of the Naga Chaturthi some communities fast during the daytime and eat food only after sunset.

There is a belief that unmarried women who undertake Naga Chaturthi Viratham and do the pooja and feed snakes will get good husbands.
It is widely believed that the childless couples will be blessed with a child, if they observe the NagaChaturti Vratham.
Those who read the story from the Mahabharata on the day of Naga Chaturthi after worshipping Sarpas will be greatly relieved from the problems due to Sarpa dosha. The impact of Sarpa dosha is so severe that it may create early curtailment of wedlock, by death of spouse or divorce, delay in pregnency or no pregnency and unexpected miscarriage.

Dosha Nivarana Mantra should be recited for 108 times daily for more results that are effective.

Sarpa Dosha Nivarana Mantra

'Anantho Vasukee Seshaha Padmanaabhascha Kambalaha
Sankhapaalo Dhaatharaastraha Takshaka Kaaliyasthatha
Ethaani Navanaamaani Nagaanaam cha
Saayamkaale pateth nityam praathakaale'

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mangala Gowri Pooja

Mangala Gowri Puja or Swarna Mangala Gowri Vratam

Mangala Gowri Puja or Swarna Mangala Gowri Vratam is observed by married women in North India, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and by certain communities in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. This pooja is to be observed in all Tuesdays of the Sravana Masa. In 2011, the dates of Mangala Gowri Pooja are August 2, August 9, August 16 and August 23.

Married women observe Mangala Gowri Pooja for the first five years of their marriage.It is performed for a happy married life, child and for the long life of the husband. It is observed on Tuesdays in the Shravan month (July – August). 

Mangala Gowri Puja is dedicated to Goddess Gowri or Parvati. Since it is observed on Tuesday in the Shravana masa(month), the Tuesdays in the month are also known as Shravana Maasa Mangalvar. Special poojas dedicated to Goddess Gowri is performed on the day and women dress up like a traditional married woman in 9 yards saree with all bangles, flowers and mangalsutra This  pooja is done with the intention that Goddess Gowri will bless the house with material prosperity, health, child and long life.

The method of pooja and mantras used vary from region to region. There are no food restrictions but usually only vegetarian food is prepared on the day.Usage of Onion/Garlic are usually avoided on all vratha days.

How to observe Mangala Gowri Puja?

The method of performing Mangala Gowri puja varies from region to region. This is just to give an idea about the ritual. You can get advice from your elders at your home for the correct procedure of your family.

Things Required for the Pooja
  • An image or idol of Goddess Gowri (Goddess Parvati) or five pyramid shapes made from turmeric powder.
  • Rice
  • Wheat and rice flour for Thembittu
  • Jaggery
  • Blouse bit 3
  • Cotton(kajavasthra)
  • Flower garland
  • Dry Coconut broken into two halves
  • Red flowers
  • Usual fruits (locally available)
  • Yellow Thread
  • House and the pooja room area is cleaned.
  • Draw rangoli and apply semman
  • House and  the pooja room is decorated with mango leaf.
  • Take a Manai(palagai) cover it with green blouse bit  and put some rice and place Mangala gowri you prepared with turmeric powder in a betal leaf.
  • Place a mirror at backside of Mangala Gowri
  • On both sides of Mangala Gowri keep 2 blouse bits folded like a pyramid and 2 betal leaves with betal nuts and a dry coconut is broken and one half each is placed on each side above betal leaves
  • Take yellow thread and ties 5 knot with flower,prepare 2 one for Gowri and another for you.
  • Keep yellow thread in betal leaf and place it in front of Mangala Gowri
  • Make 5 thembittu deepa with wheat, rice flour and jaggery
  • All items are kept ready.
How to do the Pooja

1. Mangala Snaanam
2. Thulasi Pooja
3. Hosthilu Pooje -(Draw a rangoli, apply turmeric and vermilion to the Hostilu)
4. Mangala Gowri Pooja 
5. Naivedya
6. Aarathi
7. Thamboola

Mangala Gowri Pooja
·         The Pooja begins
·         Light the lamps
·         Pray to the deity by offering flowers and by lighting incense.
·         Pray or meditate for few minutes – this includes asking for boon to deity during the Mangala Gowri Puja. Special prayer or Shloka is recited called Varava Kode in kannada
·         You can also read or listen to the story associated with Mangala Gowri.
·         While reading the kathe, hold the dosa ladle on the lamp lit(thembittu deepa), The black colored substance will appear, collect it and add Cold ghee to this and is to be applied on the eyes after Aarthi
·         Prasadam and Fruits are been offered to Gowri.
·        Do Aarthi  with  Thembittu Deepa
·        Then with usual sodalu
·        Finally, with kalpoora
·        Sacred yellow thread is tied on the right hand wrist.
·         Remove the prasadam or fruits and share it with family members and friends with Betel leaves and sweets.

     A special prayer known as Mangala Gowri Haadu is recited while performing the Mangala Gowri Vrata and Pooja. During the Sravana Mangala Gouri Puja there is a ritual of asking a boon to Goddess Gowri by women. The Song or Mantra itself is in the form of asking the boon.

Mangala Gowri Hadu

Varava Kode Thayi, Varava Kode
Varava Kode Gowri Varava Kode(vara)

                        Anu Pallavi
Siriyu Sampathu, Sthira vagi eruvantha (vara)

Holavanthi haraishina, Holava Karimani
Hora hore katuvantha, varava kode
Belagathare bhadavara , karathu mrushtanna hakki
Thili neeru koduvantha, Varava Kode (Vara)

MaLegi Maneyale, Jodu Thotila Katti
Jogula paaduvantha, Varava Kode
Shalyana Shanja grutha, Panja paksha Paramanna
Neivethya kiduvantha, Varava Kode (Vara)

Hala hariviyu, melatha saluyemmi
Salagi kattuvantha, Varava kode
Bhagilali Thorana, Maduve Munji Namakarna
Yavaga laguvantha, Varava Kode (Vara)

Lakshmi Narayanna, Vaksha Sthalathalli
Lakshana Vagiruvantha, Varava Kode
Ashta Ishwaryavu, Puthra Santhanavu
Kottu Rakshisuvalu, Maha Lakshmi (Vara)

Last Year of Pooja(Finishing Vratha)

            During last year of Mangala Gowri Pooja, dana has to given on the day of Swarna Gowri, the day before of  Vinayagar Chaturthi.
            One who performing Mangala Gowri Pooja Should give  dana to his mother or in Mother Sthanaa. For dana you need a Kanchu, Silver Nagara, green blouse bit and whole wheat.
Take a Kanchu(thapela), fill it with whole wheat and  hide nagar vigraha inside wheat and tie the kanchu with a green blouse bit.
The above is to be given by you to your mom and your mom should give you 5 types of Ladigai(oorundai) to u by keeping that in a plate or basin by tieing that with a green blouse bit.

By doing the above will fulfill your Mangala Gowri vratha.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Deepasthamba Puja (Aadi Amavasya)

Deepasthamba Puja, also known as Deepasthambha Amavasya Pooja(Kendan Pooja), is an important observance undertaken by womens' in Madwa. This year Deepasthambha Puja 2011 falling on 30th of July.  It is observed on the no moon day (Amavasya) in the Kannada month of Ashada (July – August) and is a unique Madwa ritual. On the day women pray for the well being of male members in the family – husbands and brothers. The ritual is also known as Bheemana amavasya vratha

Deepasthambha Puja is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Married women perform it for the long life of husbands and brothers. Unmarried women for getting a good husband.

A pair of lamps made by women on the day using mud(Semman) known as Kalikamba represents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. on the day Special pujas are done on the auspicious day to Please them. Thambittu Deepa or Thembittu lamp made from flour is made on the occasion and lit to cool all bad emotions like anger, frustration etc. It is these lamps that give the ritual the name Deepasthamba.

The ritual is based on the story of a young girl who was married to a dead prince. She accepted her faith and the day after marriage she performed the Deepasthambha Amavasi puja with mud lamps. Impressed by her devotion, Shiva and Parvati appeared before her and brought back the Prince to life. The mud kalikamba prepared by her was broken by Lord Shiva.

Married women perform the Deepasthamba Puja for nine years after marriage. In ninth year, she presents a lamp to her brother(s) or a male member in the family.

How to observe Deevike Ammavasya Pooja?
  • A pair of mud kalikamba lamps representing Shiva and Parvati or picture of Shiva and Parvati or Silver lamps.
  • Thembittu lamps
  • Turmeric roots
  • Yellow thread
  • Kajavastra
  • Flowers
  • Betel leaves
  • Betel nuts
  • Bananas
  • Unbroken coconut
  • Fruits 
  • Blouse bit
  • Rice
All things needed for the Puja are arranged. There are no strict rules you can always substitute things.
House is cleaned and decorated, especially the Puja area.
Fried things are not prepared on the day.

Preparation for the Puja
Make or buy a pair of Kalikamba lamps – it represents Shiva and Parvati and it is worshipped on the day. (Instead of Kali kamba lamps people also use idol or image of Goddess Parvati and Shiva or a pair of silver lamp or a single lamp).Kalikamba lamps are cleaned and decorated – with sandalwood, turmeric paste or other similar items.A yellow thread is used to tie turmeric root and it is tied to one of the lamps. This is Goddess Parvati.

Take a tray(Manai/Palagai),and cover it with a new blouse bit and is placed facing East. Kalikamba lamps is placed on rice or grains on it. A garland is created using cotton(kajavastra) and is used to decorate the
Kalikamba lamps. A sacred turmeric thread or yellow thread is placed in front of both the lamps or tied in the center.

Knot the yellow thread in nine places along with a flower. Keep the tied thread, betel leaves, and betel nuts in front of the lamp. The normal lamps in the puja room are decorated in the normal way.
For each women or girls ,One pair of kalikamba lamps should be made.

1. Mangala Snaanam
2. Thulasi Pooja
3. Hosthilu Pooje -(Draw a rangoli, apply turmeric and vermilion to the Hostilu)
4. Bheemana /Divasi Pooja 
5. Naivedya
6. Aarathi
7. Thamboola
Deevasi  Puja
The Kalikamba lamps are worshipped on the day. An archana with turmeric and kumkum is performed. Any slokas dedicated to Shiva and Parvati is recited. You can also read  the story associated with Deevika Amavasya. While reading the kathe, hold the dosa ladle on the lamp lit(thembittu deepa), The black colored substance will appear, collect it and add cold ghee to this and is to be applied on the eyes after Aarthi

Nivedya is offered and it includes coconut, betel leaves, betel nuts, fruits, bananas and Sweets made.

An arati using sodalu and Karpura is performed. Sacred yellow thread is tied on the right hand wrist.
Elder male members bless the females in the house.

Betel leaves, sweets, fruits are distributed among female friends and relatives. After Marriage women performing pooja for 9 years should give 9 betel leaves,with 9 betel nuts and 9 kaduvu(Kolakatta) for one elder sumangali for 9 years.

Next Day
The mud kalikamba lamps are placed under the Tulsi plant or dissolved in water and the water is poured under a plant in the garden.
Married women observe Bheema Ammavasi for nine years after marriage. If they have the kalikamba lamps, it is gifted to a newly married woman or women who are performing the Bheemana Amavasya

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

August 2011

Date Day Thithi Anustana
2-Aug-11 Tuesday Tritiya Mangala Gowri pooja Aramba,Aadi Puram
3-Aug-11 Wednesday Chaturti Naga Vhaturthi,Aadi Perrukku
4-Aug-11 Thursday Panchami Garuda Panchami
6-Aug-11 Saturday Saptami Sri Sathyavara thherta(Sandebinnur)
9-Aug-11 Tuesday Ekadasi Ekadasi upa,Dadi vratha Aarambha,Mangala Gowri pooja
10-Aug-11 Wednesday Dwadasi Dwadasi Parayana
11-Aug-11 Thursday Trayodasi Pradosham
12-Aug-11 Friday Chatudasi Sri Varalakshmi Vratham
13-Aug-11 Saturday Pounima Sri Hayagreeva Jayanthi,Rig,Yajur Veda Upakarma,Raksha Bandan
14-Aug-11 Sunday Prathama Gayathri Japam
15-Aug-11 Monday Dvithiya Sri Raghavendra theertha Aradhana(339th Year)Mantralaya
16-Aug-11 Tuesday Tritiya Mangala Gowri pooja 
17-Aug-11 Wednesday Chaturti Aavani Matha Pirappu
21-Aug-11 Sunday Ashtami Sri Gokulashtami Upa
23-Aug-11 Tuesday Dasami Mangala Gowri Pooja
25-Aug-11 Thursday Ekadasi Ekadasi Upa
26-Aug-11 Friday Dwadasi Dwadasi Parayana
27-Aug-11 Saturday Trayodasi Sri Sathya Dharma Theertha(holehannur)
28-Aug-11 Sunday Amavasya Sarva Amavasya
30-Aug-11 Tuesday Dvithiya Sri Balarama Jayanthi,Sri Dhanvanthri Jayanti
31-Aug-11 Wednesday Tritiya Sri Varaha Jayanthi,Swarna Gowri Vratha

Friday, July 01, 2011

Important Dates July 2011

Date Day Thitht Anustana
1-Jul-11 Friday Amavasya Sarva Amavasya
6-Jul-11 Wednesday Shashti Kumara Shasti
7-Jul-11 Thursday Saptami Aani Thirumanjanam
9-Jul-11 Saturday Navami Sri Sathyadiraja theertha(vellore)
11-Jul-11 Monday Ekadasi chaturmasa vratha arambha,Shaka Varatha 
12-Jul-11 Tuesday Dwadasi Dwadasi parayana,Pradosham
14-Jul-11 Thursday Pounima Sathyanarayana Pooja
15-Jul-11 Friday Prathama Sathya Sankalpa Theertha(Mysore)
17-Jul-11 Sunday Tritiya Aadi Madha Pirappu
20-Jul-11 Wednesday Panchami Sri Jayatheerthar punyatheena(644th year) Malkeda
25-Jul-11 Monday Dasami Aadi Krithika
26-Jul-11 Tuesday Ekadasi Ekadasi upa
27-Jul-11 Wednesday Dwadasi Dwadasi parayana
28-Jul-11 Thursday Trayodasi Pradosham
30-Jul-11 Saturday Amavasya
Sri Satya Deesa Theerthar(Raja Mandri),
Deepa Gowri pooja