Showing posts with label Sri Varamahalakshmi Pooja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sri Varamahalakshmi Pooja. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Sri Varamahalakshmi Pooja 31/07/2020

Sri Varalakshmi Pooja 31/07/2020
Varalakshmi Pooja or Varalakshmi Vratham is an important ritual observed by married women in South India for the prosperity and welfare of their families. The observance is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi and falls on the Friday before Shravan Poornima. Varalakshmi Puja is an elaborate pooja and is usually performed with the help of elderly women who have performed the Pooja earlier.
 The date of Varalakshmi Vratham in 2011 is August 12. Varalakshmi Pooja falls on a Friday in the month of Sravana(August) and the preparations for the puja begins on Thursday itself. All the necessary items needed for the pooja are collected by Thursday.

Goddess Lakshmi – the goddess of wealth and prosperity – is worshipped on this day.
Varalakshmi literally means the boon granting goddess. Worshipping Goddess Lakshmi on this day is equivalent to worshipping Ashtalaksmi – the eight goddesses of Wealth, Earth, Learning, Love, Fame, Peace, Pleasure,Santhan and Strength.

Story of varalakshmi
The name Varalakshmi itself can be interpreted in two ways. In one sense, Varalakshmi is one who grants boons. In another, she is the Goddess who is invited into the home and honoured. The different types of benefits that will accrue thanks to performing the Varalakshmi puja are “dhan” (money), “dhanyam” (grains or food), “arogyam” (health), “sampath” (property), “sathsanthanam” (virtuous offspring) and “dheerga saumangalyam” (longevity of the husband).

Origins of the Sri Varalakshi pooja
One of the stories suggests that it was a game of dice which caused a small tiff between Lord Shiva and Parvati as to who was the victor. An honest gana, Chitranemi, was asked to arbitrate and he decided in Shiva’s favour. An angry Parvati cursed him to suffer from leprosy. When Shiva pleaded with her, she gave in and said the day women in the world observed Varalakshmi puja, Chitranemi would get deliverance. Chitranemi got relief when he observed some women performing the puja. Ever since then, this vratham has been observed.

Charumathy is said to have celebrated this pooja first.

Once Goddess Parvati asked Lord Shiva about a vratha or nombu that will be beneficial to women. Lord Shiva then mentioned the importance of Varalakshmi Vratha. The conversation on Varalakshmi Vratha between Parvati and Shiva takes place in the Skanda Purana.

To illustrate the importance of the Vratha, Lord Shiva narrates the story of Charumati. Pleased with Charumati’s devotion to her husband and family, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in her dream and asked her to perform the Varalakshmi Vratha. Charumati invited all her neighbors, friends and relatives and performed the Varalakshmi puja as directed by Goddess Lakshmi. Soon after the puja, all the people who participated in the puja where blessed with wealth and prosperity.

How to observe Sri Varalakshmi  Pooja
Usually Preparation and Performing Pooja will be 3 days from Thursday.

The pooja requirements vary from region to region.
  • Picture or image or idol of Maha Lakshmi.
  • Kalash made of brass or silver.
  • Lamps, bells, agarbathis – usual puja articles.
  • Kajavastra
  • Garlands
  • A piece of blouse to cover the idol.
  • Threads or Saradu
  • Mirror
  • Combs
  • Bichola karugumani
  • 5 dry dates
  • 5 turmeric roots
  • 5 coins
  • 1 Lemon
  • Some gold (coin or something)
  • Bananas
  • Locally available fruits
  • Betel leaves
  • Betel nuts
  • Banana leaf with tip
  • Mango leaves
  • Flowers as available
Preparation for the Pooja

On Thursday : Inviting Lakshmi to home

The preparation of the ‘kalasham or kalash.’ A bronze or silver pot is selected and is cleaned thoroughly and Lakshmi picture or a swastika symbol is drawn using  Javla(sunnambu and manjal). The kalasham pot is filled with 5 hands of raw rice , 5 coins, a single whole lime, 5turmeric roots, 5 dry dates and 5 beetle nut, some Gold and finally bichola karukumani. The items used to fill the kalasham vary from region to region and some includes comb, mirror, bangles and so.

The kalasham up to the neck is sometimes covered with a cloth and mango leaves are placed on the mouth of the kalasham.

Place 5 Mango leaves on mouth of pot and  keep a coconut smeared with turmeric is used to close the mouth of the kalasham. To this coconut, an face of Goddess Lakshmi is fixed.
The mango leaves represent the life forms. And coconut a product from the life forms is again filled with water symbolically representing endless cycle and the single thread that runs in all of us.
A kalasha is an important accompaniment in Hindu rituals conducted during housewarming or Grihapravesa, wedding, etc.,
Now decorate the kalasam with Jewels. Now the kalasham symbolically represents Goddess Lakshmi.

Now put rangoli and place wooden palagai and keep the kalasam.The kalasham is usually placed on a bed of rice.

Now onwards the kalsam symbolically represents Goddess Lakshmi.

On Friday:


1. Mangala Snaanam
2. Thulasi Pooja
3. Hosthilu Pooje
4. Ganesha / Yamuna  Pooja 
5. Varalakshmi pooja
6. Naivedya
7. Aarathi
8. tieing Saradu
9. Thamboola

1. Mangala Snaanam

People wake up early in the morning on and take oil bath. Traditionally speaking the waking up time for the pooja is the brahma muhurtham. Then the designated pooja area and house is cleaned well and a beautiful ‘kolam’ or rangoli is drawn on the intended place of puja.

2. Thulasi Pooja

Do Thulasi pooja asusual.

3. Hosthilu Pooje

Draw a rangoli, apply turmeric and vermilion to the Hostilu

4. Ganesha / Yamuna  Pooja 

The kalasham is usually placed on a bed of rice. First Lord Ganesha is worshipped. Then Yamuna Pooja is performed. Place Lakshmi Kalasam & yamuna kalasam near Thulasi Brindavan. Do pooja for it.Then bring kalasam to the entrance of house take aarthi and bring back to pooja room.

5. Varalakshmi pooja

 The pooja for  the Varalakshmi begins .

The puja consists of singing slokas dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi like the Lakshmi Sahasranamam, Lakshmi Shobana, Astothra etc.

6. Naivedya

Different types of sweets are offered. Some people offer pongal.

7. Aarthi

Arati is performed on the kalasham. 

8. Varalakshmi Nombu Saradu or thread

Yellow thread is prepared with nine knots and flower is placed in the center. Place this while doing pooja and do pooja for this too. It is tied on the right hand

9. Thamboola

Thamboolam – betel leaf is offered to women in the locality and in the evening an arati is offered.

Some notes:
Varalakshmi nombu or Vara Mahalakshmi Vrata, is performed on a Friday. The Rahu Kalam, or the inauspicious period, on Fridays is from 10:30 to 12:00 noon. So the Varalakshmi Puja can be observed in the morning before 1030 hrs or in the afternoon. Avoid performing the puja during the Rahu Kalam period.
The woman who is observing the Varalakshmi Puja abstains from eating certain kind of food and this varies from region to region. In some regions, women fast till the pooja period. Please do not fast (Upvaas). Fasting is done from morning till Varalakshmi Pooja is over. Mahalakshmi don’t like fasting on Friday’s.

On Saturday :

The next day, that is on Saturday, after taking a bath Maru pooja is performed to the kalasham. And kalasam is dismantled by keeping whole kalasam in rice drum before going to bed.

There are no hard rules in performing the Varalakshmi Pooja and you can be flexible on the pooja items. Even a simple prayer will please Goddess Lakshmi.
Varalakshmi pooja is a special observance by women and is dedicated to Varamahalakshmi or Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that she will grant boons to those who observe the pooja. 

Special Prayers or Slokas to be chanted on Varalakshmi Pooja
  • Sri Lakshmi Gayathri
  • Mahalakshmi Mantra
  • Sri Lakshmi Ashtotram
  • Sri Mahalshmi Astakam
  • Sri Astalakshmi Astothram
  • Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
  • Sri Lakshmi Shobana
  • For some slokas you can search Mahalakshmi slokas in our blog
Sri Lakshmi Gayathri

“Om Maha Lakshmyacha vithmahae Vishupathanycha theemahee:
Thannao Lakshmi Prachodayathu” 

Sri Mahalakshmi Mantram:

 ”Thurithouka Nivaarana Praveenae
Vimalae Paasoora Paathu Devavapuae
Pranavapprathi Paathya Vasthiyae
Spuranakyae HariVallabae Namasthae

What if I missed the Varalakshmi Pooja?
  • Due to some reason we may miss to do the Varalakshmi Pooja on the day. Thosw who failed to observe it, can do it during the following Friday. Another option is to observe it during a Friday or any day during Navratri.