Showing posts with label eka sloki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eka sloki. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ramayana and Mahabharata in one sloka

ஏக ஸ்லோகி இராமாயண , மகாபாரத

This sloka when you read straight it is Ramayana. If you read reverse it is Bhagavata.


तं भू सुता मुक्तिमुदारहासं वन्दे यतो भव्य भवम् दयाश्रीः।।

He who rescued the daughter of Bhumi (Sita)(from Ravana's captivity) He whose face is always smiling He who is splendorous  and merciful I bow before him.


श्री यादवं भव्य भतोय देवं संहारदा मुक्तिमुतासु भूतम्।।

He who is an incarnation in the Yadava Dynasty He who is splendorous as the Sun and Moon who annihilated the demons I bow before that lord Krishna.