Thursday, June 02, 2011

Sri Hanuman Slokas

To get blessing of maruthi

Sarva kalyana thatharam
Sarva vapathgana varagam
Abara karunamoorthim
Aanjaneyam namam yaham

To get rid of bad grahas

Aanjana garbha sambootham
Kumaram bramhasarinam
Thushta graham vina saya
Hanumath mupasmahe

To get success

Sri Ramadootha mahadeera
Rudraverya samuthbhava!
Anjana garbha sampootha
Vayuputhra namosthuthe!!

Asathya sathakam swamin
Asathyam thava kim vatha!
Ramadootha krupa sintho
Mathkaryam sadhaya prabo!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Skantha Shasti Kavacham in English

You can download Skantha Shasti Kavacham with meaning HERE

Srinivasa Kalyana Stothra

This sloka is about Srinivasa Padmavathi Marriage.This is given in Kannada.Its good to sing in any occasion,especially on Saturdays for all wealth.May god shower u all.

= Ntq;fNl] fy;ahzk;

=auy;yU gd;dPNu =epth]d ghbNa>
Qhd Fufs te;jp]p> Ke;Nj fja NgSNt>

fq;fh jPuj hP\pfS> me;J ahft khbjU,
ge;J ehuj epe;J nfhz;L> ahhpnfe;J NfsY,

mhpJ guNgnfe;J M> g;UFKep njuspjh
ee;j Nfhgd kfd fe;jd> ifyhrf;Nf xbjh>

fk;G fz;lD, ghh;tjpA fyjpUtJ fz;lD>
rpU\;bnahsNf epd;dypq;f rpNu\;lthf nye;jD>

itFz;lf;Nf ge;jD> thhp[h;f;\d fz;lD>
nfl;l Nfhgjpe;j Xj;jNu> v\;Lnehj;jp nje;jD!
ge;J epe;J rirnahsNf> ,e;jpNurd n`hfspjh>

jl;lNd gprpePhpdpe;j> nel;lNd ghjnjhsfD
ge;j fhh;athfpnje;J me;J KepA njuspjh>

`hpa $bfyfkhb nfhy;yhGuf;Nf NghjS>
rjpA NghNf> gjpA n`hul;L> fphpNf ge;J Nrhpjh.

`j;J ]htpu tU\thfp> `_j;jnjhsNf ,j;jD
g;uk;` NjDthjD> Uj;u tj;]thjD

NjD Ke;Nj khbnfhz;L> Nfhgp fphpNf ge;jS>
Nfhbn`hd;D ghStJ> nfhlj`hjhsNf ,j;jD
g;uk;` NjDthjD> Uj;u tj;]thjD

NjD Ke;Nj khbnfhz;L> Nfhgp fphpNf ge;jS>
Nfhbn`hd;D ghStJ> nfhlj`hY frpAtJ

g;hPjpape;j jd;d kdNf> njfJnfhz;lD> NrhsD>
Xe;Jjptp] fuj`hY> re;jjpe;j nfhlypy;yh.

me;Juhau rjpA Nfhgprp> ge;JNfhgd n`hljS
NjDKe;j khb nfhz;L> Nfhgfphpnf ge;jD.

fhkNjD fuj`hY> `hpa rpuf;Nf gpl;bJ>
,\;L f\;l nfhl;bnje;J ngl;Lfsnd nghljD.

fpU\;z jd;d kdjpNahrp]p> nfhl;l jd;d rputD.
VOjhs kuj cj;j Vfthfp vj;jpJ.

uj;jnty;y Nehb Nfhg> kj;J ];th;f;ff;nf
NghjD f\;lnty;y Nehb NfhT> m\;Lge;J N`spj;J.

jl;lNd uhaD vj;J> fphpNf ge;J Nrhpjh>
VD f\;l ,y;yp `PNf> ahtghgp khbjh.

,\;L f\;L nfhl;ltNd> g;u\;l gprhrth nfe;jD
mUz cjajy;yp vj;J Xs\jhh;j;jf;nf ge;jD.

f;Nuhl &gpafz;lD> $b khjdhbjD>
,Utjf;Nf ];jyT vdnf> Vw;ghL MfNg nfe;jD.

%Ughj G+jp nfhl;lNu> KjY G+N[ epk nfe;jD
ghftd;D khLtjf;Nf MNf gFsh ge;jS.

ghDNfhb Nj[D> Ngl;l Mln`hul;lD>
kz;nl ghrp> nfhz;nl `hfp Fz;L ky;ypNf KbjD.

`hu gJf> nfhuspfhfp> nej;jpNj jpyftpl;lD>
mq;Fspnf cq;FufS> uq;f> r;Uq;fhuhjD.

gl;nlDl;L> fr;Nr fl;b> tPjhk;guTn`hj;jD
lhSfj;jp> cbnf nrf;fp> N[hLfhypnf nkl;bjh.

fujptps;aD gpbJ> fd;dba Nehbjh
fdfG+\pj thj FjNu> fkyehgNthpjh

fpua `pe;Nj `hpa guY> fhe;njnuy;yU fz;lU
ahU ,y;yp gUtnde;J> J}uN`hFnte;jU.

NghjpahU ,Ut];jyf;nf> aht Gu\ gUtD?
v\;L N`s Nfns fpU\;z> Fjnu Ke;nj gpl;lD

m\;L ke;jpnuy;y Nrhp> ngl;Lfnsnd n`hljU.
fy;Y kisa fujuhf> Fjnu fnsnf gpj;jpJ.

Nfrgpr;rp thRNjt> Nr\fphpnf ge;jD>
gukhd;d khbNjNd> cz;Z VS ve;jS.

mk;kh vdNf md;dNglh> vd;d kfD ithpA>
fz;Z ,y;ynj> g;uk;`> mtseph;khzt khbjh.

ahtNjrh? ahtshNf? vdNf N`S ve;jS>
ehuhaz Guf;nfN`hF> uhkfpU\;zu G+[]_

FQ;Rkzp> nfhuspfhfp> $rpd nfhq;fspyp vj;jpjS>
juzp Njtpnf fzpaN`sp> fphpnfge;J Nrhpjh.

fhe;jnuy;y $bnfhz;L> Mnf gFsh ge;jS>
gd;dPnuk;kh> gd;dPnue;J je;nj jhA khjdhbjU.

`pf;Ftjf;nf kf;fspy;yh> kj;nj kjNt khLNtT>
g;u`];gj;ah rhh;ae; fsprpjh> yf;d gj;hpnf ghprpjh.

Rfhrhh;au fhprpjh> kjnt thny ghprpjh>
ty;yngad;d fhptjf;nf> nfhy;yh Guf;Nf NghjU>

fUl n`fsNthpnfhz;L> NgfGul;L ge;jS>
m\;lth;f;f td;d khb> ,\;l Njtu G+[p]p.

yf;\;kp]`pj Mf]uh[d> gl;bdf;nf ge;jU>
fdf G+\pj thj kz;lg> fky ehg Nthpjh>

fky ehg fhe;nj ifnf> fq;fdt Rl;bjh>
=epthr gj;khtjpnf> khq;fy;at Rl;bjh
=dpthrd kjnt Nehnl> =anuy;yU gd;dpnu.

yf;\ jg;G vd;dy;yp cz;L> gf;\P th`dnd ]yn`d;d>
Nfhb jg;GvdNf cz;L> FRkehg ]yn`d;d>

nrq;nfapy;ynj tut nfhLt> ntq;fNlrNd ]yn`d;d>
gf;jpape;j> N`sp Nfspjthpnf Kf;jpnfhLt `atjd
n[a n[a =epthrNf> n[a n[a gj;khtjpnf
typje;j = `hpnf> epj;a Rg kq;fs>
Nr\hj;hp fphpthr> =Njtp murNf
fy;ahz %Ujpnf> epj;a n[a kq;fs.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Mahalakshmi Ashtakam With Meaning

Sri Maha Lakshmi Ashtakam

Namasthesthu Mahamaaye' - Sripeede' Surapoojithe' |
S'ankha Chakra Ghathahasthe' -Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe'||

1. Salutations to the Great Maya (the power of Supreme Brahman devoid of qualities). Her abode is none other than Sri Peetha or Sri Chakra. She holds the Conch (symbolizing the gross manifestation) and the Disc (symbolizing the great wisdom).
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Namasthe Garudaarude' - Kolaasura Bhayankari |
Sarva Paabha Hare' Devi - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

2. Salutations to Lakshmi riding the Kite (Garuda). She is the one who destroyed Kola Demon, the symbol of ignorance, She removes all the crookedness of mind body and soul.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all obedience.

Sarvagjne' Sarvavaradhe' - Sarvadhushta Bhayangari |
Sarva Dhukka Hare' Devi - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

3. She is the supreme knowledge, and fulfiller of all desires, she is the destroyer of all wicked things. She removes all sorrow of the mankind.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Siththi Buththippradhe' Devi - Buththi Mukthi Pradhaayini |
Mandhra Moortthe' Sadhaa Devi -Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe'||

4. She provides the spiritual divinity and the discriminative intellect. She gives the intellect for the liberation or moksha. She is the embodiment of all mantras.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Aadhyantharahidhe' Devi - Aadhi Sakthi Maheswari |
Yohagjne Yogasambhoothe' - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

5. She is devoid of beginning and ending. She is the primordial energy of the cosmic creation. She is the divine fire (Cosmic will) of the all yogas and she dawns in the minds of yogis.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Sthoola Sookshma Mahaaroudhre' - Maha Sakthi Mahodhare' |
Mahaa Paabha Hare' Devi - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

6. She is the one who manifests in the Gross Subtle Universal manifestation and is the deadly force of the Creation. She is the Supreme energy of the Cosmos. She elevates the individual from all the greatest pitfalls of progress (papa).
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Padhmaasana Sthidhe' Devi - Parabrahmma Svaroopini |
Parame'si Jaganmaadhaah: - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

7. She is adored in the yogic posture of padmaasana. She is the symbol of Supreme Brahman, devoid of all attributes. She is the Supreme wealth of the cosmos and the Mother of all creation.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with all devotion.

Svethaambradhare' Devi - Naanaalankaara Bhooshithe' |
Jagathsthidhe' Jaganmaadhah - Maha Lakshmi Namosthudhe' ||

8. She is worshipped in white clothes symbolizing the Sudha Satva of Samkhya Darshana. She is adored with all ornamentation symbolizing differential creations of cosmos. She is the genesis of all the Cosmos bound by time and space and the mother of all creations.
I worship Sri Maha Lakshmi with devotion.
Sri Lakshmi

Maha Lakshmiyashtakasthothram Yahpade' Bhakthimaan Narah: |
Sarva Sidhdhi Mavaapnodhi - Rajyam Prapno'dhi Sarvadha ||

9. This is the 8 slokaas of Sri Maha Lakshmi. He who reads (understands) these slokaas with all devotion will obtain all the desires (physical, mental, spiritual), and the Spiritual Kingdom of Moksha.

Ekha Kaalam Pade' Nithyam - Mahaa Paabha Vinaasanam |
Dhvi Kaalam Yah:pade' Nithyam - Dhanadhaanya Samanvithah: ||

10. If these 8 slokaas are recited once a day all pitfalls are removed. If these are recited twice a day all physical prosperity is achieved.

Thri Kaalam Yah:pade' Nithyam - Mahaa Sathru Vinasanam |
Maha Lakshmeer bave'nnithyam - Prasannaa Varadha Subhaa.||

11. If these 8 slokaas are recited thrice a day he will be devoid of all qualities of enmity and hatred. Let this Sri Maha Lakshmi manifest in us with all her pleasantness and fulfilling qualities.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ganesha Panchatcharam

.. shrii mahaa gaNesha paJNcharatnaM ..
mudaa karaatta modakaM sadaa vimukti saadhakaM
kalaadharaavata.nsakaM vilaasi loka rakshakam.h .
anaayakaika naayakaM vinaashitebha daityakaM
nataashubhaashu naashakaM namaami taM vinaayakam.h .. 1..

natetaraati bhiikaraM navoditaarka bhaasvaraM
namat.h suraari nirjaraM nataadhikaapaduddharam.h .
sureshvaraM nidhiishvaraM gajeshvaraM gaNeshvaraM
maheshvaraM tamaashraye paraatparaM nirantaram.h .. 2..

samasta loka sha.nkaraM niraasta daitya kunjaraM
daretarodaraM varaM varebhavaktraM aksharam.h .
kR^ipaakaraM kshamaakaraM mudaakaraM yashaskaraM
manaskaraM namaskR^itaaM namaskaromi bhaasvaram.h .. 3..

aki.nchanaarti marjanaM chirantanokti bhaajanaM
puraaripuurvanandanaM suraari garva charvaNam.h .
prapaJNchanaasha bhiishhaNaM dhana.njayaadi bhuushhaNaM
kapoladaanavaaraNaM bhaje purANavaaraNam.h .. 4..

nitaanta kaanta dantakaantimantakaantakaatmajaM
achintyaruupamantahiinamantaraaya kR^intanam.h .
hR^idantare nirantaraM vasantameva yoginaaM
tamekadantamekameva chintayaami santatam.h .. 5..

.. phala shrutii ..

mahaagaNesha paJNcharatnaM aadareNa yon.avahaM
prajalpati prabhaatake hR^idi smaran.n gaNeshvaram.h .
arogataaM adoshhataaM susaahitiiM suputrataaM
samaahitaayurashhTa bhuutimabhyupaiti so.achirat.h ..
. iti shrii sha.nkaraachaarya virachitaM shrii mahaagaNesha paJNcharatnaM saMpuurNam.h ..

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Prayer Slokas on Sri Maha Lakshmi

Chathurbhujaam Mahalakshmeem Gajayukma Supoojithaam |
Padmapathraaba Nayanaam Varaabhaya Karojvalaam ||

Oorthva Thyagare' Saabjam Dhathadheem Sukla Vasthrakaam |
Padhmaasane' Sukaaseenaam Bhaje'-aham Sarva Mangalaam ||